VetheonGames 5499f9f4b9 Init
2023-09-07 16:16:06 -06:00

739 lines
30 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "glava.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "glsl_ext.h"
#define LINE_START 0
#define GLSL 1
#define MACRO 2
#define REQUEST 3
#define INCLUDE 4
#define COLOR 5
#define DEFINE 6
#define BIND 7
#define EXPAND 8
struct sbuf {
char* buf;
size_t at; /* index of final null character */
size_t bsize; /* actual buffer size */
#define append(sbuf, str) n_append(sbuf, strlen(str), str)
static inline void expand_for(struct sbuf* sbuf, size_t len) {
bool resize = false;
while (len + 1 > sbuf->bsize - sbuf->at) {
sbuf->bsize *= 2;
resize = true;
if (resize)
sbuf->buf = realloc(sbuf->buf, sbuf->bsize);
/* append 'n' bytes from 'str' to the resizable buffer */
static void n_append(struct sbuf* sbuf, size_t len, const char* str) {
expand_for(sbuf, len);
memcpy(sbuf->buf + sbuf->at, str, len);
sbuf->at += len;
sbuf->buf[sbuf->at] = '\0';
#define s_append(sbuf, fmt, ...) se_append(sbuf, 64, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
/* append the formatted string to the resizable buffer, where elen is extra space for formatted chars */
static void se_append(struct sbuf* sbuf, size_t elen, const char* fmt, ...) {
size_t space = strlen(fmt) + elen;
expand_for(sbuf, space);
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int written;
if ((written = vsnprintf(sbuf->buf + sbuf->at, space, fmt, args)) < 0)
sbuf->at += written;
#define parse_error(line, f, fmt, ...) \
do { \
fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] " fmt "\n", f, (int) line, __VA_ARGS__); \
glava_abort(); \
} while (0)
#define parse_error_s(line, f, s) \
do { \
fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%d] " s "\n", f, (int) line); \
glava_abort(); \
} while (0)
struct schar {
char* buf;
size_t sz;
bool ext_parse_color(const char* str, size_t elem_sz, float** results) {
size_t t, len = strlen(str), i = 0, s = 0;
uint8_t elem_bytes[elem_sz];
/* Ignore '0x' prefix, if present */
if (len >= 2 && str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) {
len -= 2;
str += 2;
for (t = 0; t < len && t < 8; ++t) {
char c = str[t];
uint8_t b;
/* obtain value from character */
switch (c) {
case 'a' ... 'f': b = (c - 'a') + 10; break;
case 'A' ... 'F': b = (c - 'A') + 10; break;
case '0' ... '9': b = c - '0'; break;
default: return false;
elem_bytes[s] = b;
if (s >= elem_sz - 1) { /* advance to next element */
uint32_t e = 0; /* component storage */
/* mask storage with input data */
for (size_t v = 0; v < elem_sz; ++v) {
e |= (uint32_t) elem_bytes[v] << (((elem_sz - 1) - v) * 4);
/* convert to [0, 1] as floating point value */
*results[i] = (float) e / (float) ((1 << (elem_sz * 4)) - 1);
s = 0;
} else { /* advance character */
return true;
static void free_after(struct glsl_ext* ext, void* ptr) {
ext->destruct = realloc(ext->destruct, sizeof(void*) * ext->destruct_sz);
ext->destruct[ext->destruct_sz - 1] = ptr;
static void inherit(struct glsl_ext* parent, struct glsl_ext* child) {
free_after(parent, child->processed);
parent->destruct = realloc(parent->destruct, sizeof(void*) * (parent->destruct_sz + child->destruct_sz));
memcpy(parent->destruct + parent->destruct_sz, child->destruct, sizeof(void*) * child->destruct_sz);
parent->destruct_sz += child->destruct_sz;
/* handle raw arguments for #include and #request directives */
static struct schar directive(struct glsl_ext* ext, char** args,
size_t args_sz, int state,
size_t line, const char* f) {
switch (state) {
case DEFINE: {
/* Workaround for re-defining macros in GLSL. By default this is generally an error in most
compilers/drivers, but we would prefer to override (non-function) definitions instead.
Due to how this directive is parsed, the macro itself is still emitted afterwards. */
if (args_sz == 0) {
parse_error_s(line, f, "No arguments provided to #define directive!");
size_t bsz = (strlen(args[0]) * 3) + 64;
struct schar ret = { .buf = malloc(bsz) };
int r = snprintf(ret.buf, bsz, "#ifdef %1$s\n#undef %1$s\n#endif\n", args[0]);
if (r < 0)
glava_abort(); = r;
free_after(ext, ret.buf);
return ret;
case INCLUDE: {
if (args_sz == 0) {
parse_error_s(line, f, "No arguments provided to #include directive!");
char* target = args[0];
/* Handle `:` config specifier */
size_t tsz = strlen(target);
if (tsz && target[0] == ':' && ext->cfd) {
target = &target[1];
ext->cd = ext->cfd;
/* Handle `@` default specifier */
if (tsz && target[0] == '@') {
if (!ext->dd) {
parse_error_s(line, f, "encountered '@' path specifier while no default "
"directory is available in the current context");
target = &target[1];
ext->cd = ext->dd;
char path[strlen(ext->cd) + tsz + 2];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path) / sizeof(char), "%s/%s", ext->cd, target);
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
parse_error(line, f, "failed to load GLSL shader source "
"specified by #include directive '%s': %s\n",
path, strerror(errno));
struct stat st;
fstat(fd, &st);
char* map = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (!map)
parse_error(line, f, "failed to map GLSL shader source "
"specified by #include directive '%s': %s\n",
path, strerror(errno));
struct glsl_ext next = {
.source = map,
.source_len = st.st_size,
.cd = ext->cd,
.cfd = ext->cfd,
.dd = ext->dd,
.handlers = ext->handlers,
.binds = ext->binds,
.ss_lookup = ext->ss_lookup,
.ss_len = ext->ss_len,
.efuncs = ext->efuncs
/* recursively process */
ext_process(&next, target);
inherit(ext, &next);
munmap(map, st.st_size);
ext->ss_lookup = next.ss_lookup;
struct schar ret = {
.buf = next.processed,
.sz = next.p_len
return ret;
case REQUEST: {
if (args_sz > 0) {
char* request = args[0];
struct request_handler* handler;
bool found = false;
size_t t;
for (t = 0; (handler = &ext->handlers[t])->name != NULL; ++t) {
if(!strcmp(handler->name, request)) {
found = true;
void** processed_args = malloc(strlen(handler->fmt) * sizeof(void*));
char c;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; (c = handler->fmt[i]) != '\0'; ++i) {
if (args_sz <= 1 + i)
parse_error(line, f,
"failed to execute request '%s': expected format '%s'\n",
request, handler->fmt);
char* raw = args[1 + i];
switch (c) {
case 'i': {
int v = (int) strtol(raw, NULL, 0);
processed_args[i] = malloc(sizeof(int));
*(int*) processed_args[i] = v;
case 'f': {
float f = strtof(raw, NULL);
processed_args[i] = malloc(sizeof(float));
*(float*) processed_args[i] = f;
case 's': { *(char**) &processed_args[i] = raw; break; }
case 'b': {
bool v;
if (!strcmp(raw, "true")) {
v = true;
} else if (!strcmp(raw, "false")) {
v = false;
} else if (strlen(raw) == 1) {
switch (raw[0]) {
case 't': { v = true; break; }
case 'f': { v = false; break; }
case '1': { v = true; break; }
case '0': { v = false; break; }
parse_error_s(line, f, "tried to parse invalid "
"raw string into a boolean");
} else
parse_error_s(line, f, "tried to parse invalid "
"raw string into a boolean");
processed_args[i] = malloc(sizeof(bool));
*(bool*) processed_args[i] = v;
handler->handler(request, processed_args);
for (i = 0; (c = handler->fmt[i]) != '\0'; ++i)
if (c != 's')
if (!found)
parse_error(line, f, "unknown request type '%s'", request);
goto return_empty;
case EXPAND: {
if (args_sz >= 2) {
char* fmacro = args[0];
size_t fmacro_sz = strlen(fmacro);
char* arg = args[1];
size_t expand_n = 0;
bool match = false;
if (ext->efuncs) {
for (size_t t = 0; ext->efuncs[t].name != NULL; ++t) {
if (!strcmp(arg, ext->efuncs[t].name)) {
expand_n = ext->efuncs[t].call();
match = true;
if (!match)
parse_error(line, f, "#expand directive specified invalid input \"%s\"", arg);
/* (2 {paren} + 1 {semicolon} + 1 {newline} + 4 {input buf} + macro) * expand + 1 */
size_t bsz = ((8 + fmacro_sz) * expand_n) + 1;
struct schar ret = { .buf = malloc(bsz) };
int r = 0;
for (size_t t = 0; t < expand_n; ++t) {
int sr = snprintf(ret.buf + r, bsz - r, "%s(%d);\n", args[0], (int) t);
if (sr >= 0)
r += sr;
parse_error(line, f, "internal formatting error (snprintf returned %d)", sr);
} = r;
free_after(ext, ret.buf);
return ret;
} else
parse_error(line, f, "#expand directive missing arguments, "
"requires 2 identifiers (got %d)\n", (int) args_sz);
goto return_empty;
default: return (struct schar) { .buf = NULL, .sz = 0 };
/* state machine parser */
void ext_process(struct glsl_ext* ext, const char* f) {
ext->destruct = malloc(1);
ext->destruct_sz = 0;
if (!ext->ss_lookup) {
ext->ss_lookup = malloc(sizeof(ext->ss_lookup[0]));
ext->ss_len_s = 0;
ext->ss_len = &ext->ss_len_s;
ext->ss_own = true;
} else ext->ss_own = false;
ext->ss_lookup = realloc(ext->ss_lookup, sizeof(ext->ss_lookup[0]) * ++(*ext->ss_len));
int ss_cur = *ext->ss_len - 1;
ext->ss_lookup[ss_cur] = strdup(f);
struct sbuf sbuf = {
.buf = malloc(256),
.at = 0,
.bsize = 256
size_t source_len = ext->source_len;
size_t t;
char at;
int state = LINE_START;
size_t macro_start_idx = 0, arg_start_idx = 0, cbuf_idx, bbuf_idx, b_restart;
size_t line = 1;
bool quoted = false, arg_start = false, b_sep = false, b_spc = false, b_pre = true;
int b_br = 0;
char cbuf[9];
char bbuf[256];
char** args = malloc(sizeof(char*));
size_t args_sz = 0;
bool prev_slash = false, comment = false, comment_line = false, prev_asterix = false,
prev_escape = false, string = false, skip_color_start = false;
se_append(&sbuf, 32, "#line 1 %d\n", ss_cur);
for (t = 0; t <= source_len; ++t) {
at = source_len == t ? '\0' : ext->source[t];
if (at == '\n')
switch (state) {
case LINE_START: { /* processing start of line */
switch (at) {
case '#': {
macro_start_idx = t;
state = MACRO;
case '\n':
if (comment && comment_line) {
comment = false;
comment_line = false;
case '\t':
case ' ':
goto copy;
default: state = GLSL;
/* let execution continue into next state */
case GLSL: { /* copying GLSL source or unrelated preprocessor syntax */
switch (at) {
case '"':
if (!comment && !prev_escape)
string = !string;
goto normal_char;
case '\\':
if (!comment) {
prev_escape = !prev_escape;
prev_asterix = false;
prev_slash = false;
goto copy;
} else goto normal_char;
case '/':
if (!comment) {
if (prev_slash) {
comment = true;
comment_line = true;
prev_slash = false;
} else prev_slash = true;
} else if (!comment_line) {
if (prev_asterix) {
comment = false;
prev_asterix = false;
prev_escape = false;
goto copy;
case '*':
if (!comment) {
if (prev_slash) {
comment = true;
prev_slash = false;
} else prev_asterix = true;
prev_escape = false;
goto copy;
case '#': {
/* handle hex color syntax */
if (!comment && !string && !skip_color_start) {
if (ext->source[t + 1] == '#') {
skip_color_start = true;
goto normal_char;
state = COLOR;
cbuf_idx = 0;
} else {
skip_color_start = false;
goto normal_char;
case '@': {
/* handle bind syntax */
if (!comment && !string && ext->binds != NULL) {
state = BIND;
b_sep = false;
b_spc = false;
b_pre = true;
b_br = 0;
b_restart = 0;
bbuf_idx = 0;
} else goto normal_char;
case '\n':
if (comment && comment_line) {
comment = false;
comment_line = false;
state = LINE_START;
prev_asterix = false;
prev_slash = false;
prev_escape = false;
goto copy;
case COLOR: { /* parse hex color syntax (#ffffffff -> vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) */
switch (at) {
case 'a' ... 'z':
case 'A' ... 'Z':
case '0' ... '9': {
cbuf[cbuf_idx] = at;
if (cbuf_idx >= 8)
goto emit_color;
else continue;
cbuf[cbuf_idx] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
float r = 0.0F, g = 0.0F, b = 0.0F, a = 1.0F;
if (ext_parse_color(cbuf, 2, (float*[]) { &r, &g, &b, &a })) {
se_append(&sbuf, 64, " vec4(%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f) ", r, g, b, a);
} else {
parse_error(line, f, "Invalid color format '#%s' while "
"parsing GLSL color syntax extension", cbuf);
state = at == '\n' ? LINE_START : GLSL;
if (cbuf_idx >= 8)
else goto copy; /* copy character if it ended the sequence */
case BIND: { /* parse bind syntax (@name:default -> __IN_name | default)*/
switch (at) {
if (b_br > 0) goto handle_bind; /* store characters in braces */
else goto emit_bind; /* emit on unexpected char outside braces */
case '(':
if (b_sep && !b_spc) {
++b_br; goto handle_bind; /* inc. brace level */
} else goto emit_bind; /* emit if wrong context: `@sym(`, `@(` (no ':') */
case ')':
/* start emitting on unexpected ')': `@sym:v)`, `@s)` */
if (b_br <= 0 || !b_sep) goto emit_bind;
else {
if (b_br <= 0) b_spc = true;
goto handle_bind; /* dec. brace level */
case ' ': if (b_br <= 0) b_spc = true; /* flag a non-braced space */
case '#': case '+': case '-':
case '!': case '~': case '&':
if (b_sep && (b_br > 0 || b_pre))
goto handle_bind; /* handle precede syntax only for defaults */
else goto emit_bind; /* if encountered, skip to emit */
case ':':
if (!b_sep) b_restart = t;
b_sep = true;
handle_bind: /* use character for binding syntax */
case 'a' ... 'z':
case 'A' ... 'Z':
case '0' ... '9':
case '_': {
if (b_spc && at != ')')
goto emit_bind; /* skip non-braced characters after space: `@sym:vec4 c` */
if (b_sep && at != ':')
b_pre = false;
bbuf[bbuf_idx] = at;
if (bbuf_idx >= sizeof(bbuf) - 1)
goto emit_bind; /* start emitting if buffer was filled */
else continue;
emit_bind: /* end binding syntax with current char */
case '\n':
case '\0': {
const char* parsed_name = NULL;
const char* parsed_default = NULL;
bbuf[bbuf_idx] = '\0'; /* null terminate */
int sep = -1;
for (size_t p = 0; p < bbuf_idx; ++p)
if (bbuf[p] == ':') sep = p;
if (sep >= 0) {
parsed_default = bbuf + sep + 1;
bbuf[sep] = '\0';
parsed_name = bbuf;
bool m = false;
for (struct rd_bind* bd = ext->binds; bd->name != NULL; ++bd) {
if (!strcmp(parsed_name, bd->name)) {
se_append(&sbuf, 128, " _IN_%s ", parsed_name);
m = true;
if (!m) {
if (parsed_default && b_restart > 0) {
/* To emit the default, we push back the cursor to where it starts
and simply resume parsing from a normal context. */
t = b_restart;
} else parse_error(line, f,
"Unexpected `--pipe` binding name '@%s' while parsing GLSL."
" Try assigning a default or binding the value.", parsed_name);
state = GLSL;
/* emit contents from start of macro to current index and resume regular parsing*/
#define skip_macro() \
do { \
n_append(&sbuf, t - macro_start_idx, &ext->source[macro_start_idx]); \
state = at == '\n' ? LINE_START : GLSL; \
goto copy; \
} while (0)
case MACRO: { /* processing start of macro */
switch (at) {
case '\n':
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\0': { /* end parsing directive */
#define DIRECTIVE_CMP(lower, upper) \
(!strncmp("#" lower, &ext->source[macro_start_idx], t - macro_start_idx) \
|| !strncmp("#" upper, &ext->source[macro_start_idx], t - macro_start_idx))
#define DIRECTIVE_CASE(lower, upper) \
({ if (state == MACRO && DIRECTIVE_CMP(#lower, #upper)) \
{ state = upper; goto prepare_arg_parse; } })
/* no match */
if (state == MACRO) skip_macro();
arg_start_idx = t + 1;
arg_start = true;
args_sz = 0;
*args = NULL;
case '0' ... '9':
/* digits at the start of an identifier are not legal */
if (macro_start_idx == t - 1)
goto macro_parse_error;
case 'a' ... 'z':
case 'A' ... 'Z':
/* invalid char, malformed! */
parse_error(line, f, "Unexpected character '%c' while parsing GLSL directive", at);
/* scope-violating macro to copy the result of the currently parsed argument */
#define copy_arg(end) \
do { if (end - arg_start_idx > 0) { \
++args_sz; \
args = realloc(args, sizeof(char*) * args_sz); \
args[args_sz - 1] = malloc((end - arg_start_idx) + 1); \
memcpy(args[args_sz - 1], &ext->source[arg_start_idx], end - arg_start_idx); \
args[args_sz - 1][end - arg_start_idx] = '\0'; \
} } while (0)
case DEFINE:
case EXPAND: {
switch (at) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\0':
if (!quoted) {
/* end arg */
arg_start = true;
arg_start_idx = t + 1;
} else arg_start = false;
if (at == '\n' || at == '\0' || state == DEFINE) {
/* end directive */
size_t a;
struct schar r = directive(ext, args, args_sz, state, line, f);
for (a = 0; a < args_sz; ++a) {
args_sz = 0;
/* if something was returned (ie. included file), paste the results */
if (r.buf) {
n_append(&sbuf,, r.buf);
append(&sbuf, "\n");
se_append(&sbuf, 48, "#line %d %d\n", line, ss_cur);
if (state == DEFINE) skip_macro();
else state = LINE_START;
case '(':
if (state != DEFINE || args_sz != 0) goto arg; /* only handle first arg of #define */
skip_macro(); /* ignore macro functions */
case '"':
if (state == DEFINE) goto arg; /* do not handle quoting for #define */
if (quoted) {
/* end arg */
quoted = false;
arg_start = true;
arg_start_idx = t + 1;
} else if (arg_start) {
quoted = true;
} else arg_start = false;
default: {
arg: arg_start = false;
#undef copy_arg
if (at != '\0')
n_append(&sbuf, 1, &at);
ext->processed = sbuf.buf;
ext->p_len =;
if (args) {
for (t = 0; t < args_sz; ++t) {
void ext_free(struct glsl_ext* ext) {
size_t t;
if (ext->ss_own) {
for (t = 0; t < ext->ss_len_s; ++t)
for (t = 0; t < ext->destruct_sz; ++t)