#!/usr/bin/env bash # Dependencies check command -v perl >/dev/null || { echo -e "\nperl was not found, exiting...\n" >&2; exit 1; } command -v unzip >/dev/null || { echo -e "\nunzip was not found, exiting...\n" >&2; exit 1; } command -v zip >/dev/null || { echo -e "\nzip was not found, exiting...\n" >&2; exit 1; } # Script flags CACHE_FLAG='false' EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG='false' FORCE_FLAG='false' PATH_FLAG='' PREMIUM_FLAG='false' while getopts 'cefP:p' flag; do case "${flag}" in c) CACHE_FLAG='true' ;; e) EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG='true' ;; f) FORCE_FLAG='true' ;; P) PATH_FLAG="${OPTARG}" INSTALL_PATH="${PATH_FLAG}" ;; p) PREMIUM_FLAG='true' ;; *) echo "Error: ${flag} not supported." exit ;; esac done # Credits echo echo "**************************" echo "SpotX-Linux by @SpotX-CLI" echo "**************************" echo # Locate install directory if [ -z ${INSTALL_PATH+x} ]; then INSTALL_PATH=$(readlink -e `type -p spotify` 2>/dev/null | rev | cut -d/ -f2- | rev) if [[ -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]]; then echo "Spotify directory found in PATH: ${INSTALL_PATH}" elif [[ ! -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]]; then echo -e "\nSpotify not found in PATH. Searching for Spotify directory..." INSTALL_PATH=$(timeout 10 find / -type f -path "*/spotify/Apps/*" -name "xpui.spa" -size -7M -size +3M -print -quit 2>/dev/null | rev | cut -d/ -f3- | rev) if [[ -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]]; then echo "Spotify directory found: ${INSTALL_PATH}" elif [[ ! -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]]; then echo "Spotify directory not found. Set directory path with -P flag.\nExiting...\n" exit; fi; fi else if [[ ! -d "${INSTALL_PATH}" ]]; then echo -e "Directory path set by -P was not found.\nExiting...\n" exit elif [[ ! -f "${INSTALL_PATH}/Apps/xpui.spa" ]]; then echo -e "No xpui found in directory provided with -P.\nPlease confirm directory and try again or re-install Spotify.\nExiting...\n" exit; fi; fi # Path vars CACHE_PATH="${HOME}/.cache/spotify/" XPUI_PATH="${INSTALL_PATH}/Apps" XPUI_DIR="${XPUI_PATH}/xpui" XPUI_BAK="${XPUI_PATH}/xpui.bak" XPUI_SPA="${XPUI_PATH}/xpui.spa" XPUI_JS="${XPUI_DIR}/xpui.js" XPUI_CSS="${XPUI_DIR}/xpui.css" HOME_V2_JS="${XPUI_DIR}/home-v2.js" VENDOR_XPUI_JS="${XPUI_DIR}/vendor~xpui.js" # Perl command PERL="perl -pi -w -e" # Ad-related regex AD_EMPTY_AD_BLOCK='s|adsEnabled:!0|adsEnabled:!1|' AD_PLAYLIST_SPONSORS='s|allSponsorships||' AD_UPGRADE_BUTTON='s/(return|.=.=>)"free"===(.+?)(return|.=.=>)"premium"===/$1"premium"===$2$3"free"===/g' AD_AUDIO_ADS='s/(case .:|async enable\(.\)\{)(this.enabled=.+?\(.{1,3},"audio"\),|return this.enabled=...+?\(.{1,3},"audio"\))((;case 4:)?this.subscription=this.audioApi).+?this.onAdMessage\)/$1$3.cosmosConnector.increaseStreamTime(-100000000000)/' AD_BILLBOARD='s|.(\?\[.{1,6}[a-zA-Z].leaderboard,)|false$1|' AD_UPSELL='s|(Enables quicksilver in-app messaging modal",default:)(!0)|$1false|' # Experimental (A/B test) features #ENABLE_BALLOONS='s|(Enable showing balloons on album release date anniversaries",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_BLOCK_USERS='s|(Enable block users feature in clientX",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_CAROUSELS='s|(Use carousels on Home",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_CLEAR_DOWNLOADS='s|(Enable option in settings to clear all downloads",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_DISCOG_SHELF='s|(Enable a condensed disography shelf on artist pages",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_ENHANCE_PLAYLIST='s|(Enable Enhance Playlist UI and functionality for end-users",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_ENHANCE_SONGS='s|(Enable Enhance Liked Songs UI and functionality",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_EQUALIZER='s|(Enable audio equalizer for Desktop and Web Player",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_IGNORE_REC='s|(Enable Ignore In Recommendations for desktop and web",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_LIKED_SONGS='s|(Enable Liked Songs section on Artist page",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_LYRICS_CHECK='s|(With this enabled, clients will check whether tracks have lyrics available",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_LYRICS_MATCH='s|(Enable Lyrics match labels in search results",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_MADE_FOR_YOU='s|(Show "Made For You" entry point in the left sidebar.,default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_NEW_SIDEBAR='s|(Enable Your Library X view of the left sidebar",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_FLOW='s|(Enables new playlist creation flow in Web Player and DesktopX",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' ENABLE_PLAYLIST_PERMISSIONS_FLOWS='s|(Enable Playlist Permissions flows for Prod",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_SEARCH_BOX='s|(Adds a search box so users are able to filter playlists when trying to add songs to a playlist using the contextmenu",default:)(!1)|$1true|s' #ENABLE_SIMILAR_PLAYLIST='s/,(.\.isOwnedBySelf&&)((\(.{0,11}\)|..createElement)\(.{1,3}Fragment,.+?{(uri:.|spec:.),(uri:.|spec:.).+?contextmenu.create-similar-playlist"\)}\),)/,$2$1/s' # Hide Premium-only features HIDE_DL_QUALITY='s/(\(.,..jsxs\)\(.{1,3}|(.\(\).|..)createElement\(.{1,4}),\{(filterMatchQuery|filter:.,title|(variant:"viola",semanticColor:"textSubdued"|..:"span",variant:.{3,6}mesto,color:.{3,6}),htmlFor:"desktop.settings.downloadQuality.+?).{1,6}get\("desktop.settings.downloadQuality.title.+?(children:.{1,2}\(.,.\).+?,|\(.,.\){3,4},|,.\)}},.\(.,.\)\),)//' HIDE_DL_ICON=' .BKsbV2Xl786X9a09XROH {display:none}' HIDE_DL_MENU=' button.wC9sIed7pfp47wZbmU6m.pzkhLqffqF_4hucrVVQA {display:none}' HIDE_VERY_HIGH=' #desktop\.settings\.streamingQuality>option:nth-child(5) {display:none}' # Log-related regex LOG_1='s|sp://logging/v3/\w+||g' LOG_SENTRY='s|this\.getStackTop\(\)\.client=.|return;$&|' # Spotify Connect unlock CONNECT_1='s| connect-device-list-item--disabled||' CONNECT_2='s|connect-picker.unavailable-to-control|spotify-connect|' CONNECT_3='s|(className:.,disabled:)(..)|$1false|' CONNECT_4='s/return (..isDisabled)(\?(..createElement|\(.{1,10}\))\(..,)/return false$2/' # xpui detection if [[ ! -f "${XPUI_SPA}" ]]; then echo -e "\nxpui not found!\nReinstall Spotify then try again.\nExiting...\n" exit else if [[ ! -w "${XPUI_PATH}" ]]; then echo -e "\nSpotX does not have write permission in Spotify directory.\nRequesting sudo permission...\n" sudo chmod a+wr "${INSTALL_PATH}" && sudo chmod a+wr -R "${XPUI_PATH}"; fi if [[ "${FORCE_FLAG}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ -f "${XPUI_BAK}" ]]; then echo "SpotX backup found, SpotX has already been used on this install." echo -e "Re-run SpotX using the '-f' flag to force xpui patching.\n" echo "Skipping xpui patches and continuing SpotX..." XPUI_SKIP="true" else echo "Creating xpui backup..." cp "${XPUI_SPA}" "${XPUI_BAK}" XPUI_SKIP="false"; fi else if [[ -f "${XPUI_BAK}" ]]; then echo "Backup xpui found, restoring original..." rm "${XPUI_SPA}" cp "${XPUI_BAK}" "${XPUI_SPA}" XPUI_SKIP="false" else echo "Creating xpui backup..." cp "${XPUI_SPA}" "${XPUI_BAK}" XPUI_SKIP="false"; fi; fi; fi # Extract xpui.spa if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then echo "Extracting xpui..." unzip -qq "${XPUI_SPA}" -d "${XPUI_DIR}" if grep -Fq "SpotX" "${XPUI_JS}"; then echo -e "\nWarning: Detected SpotX patches but no backup file!" echo -e "Further xpui patching not allowed until Spotify is reinstalled/upgraded.\n" echo "Skipping xpui patches and continuing SpotX..." XPUI_SKIP="true" rm "${XPUI_BAK}" 2>/dev/null rm -rf "${XPUI_DIR}" 2>/dev/null else rm "${XPUI_SPA}"; fi; fi echo "Applying SpotX patches..." if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${PREMIUM_FLAG}" == "false" ]]; then # Remove Empty ad block echo "Removing empty ad block..." $PERL "${AD_EMPTY_AD_BLOCK}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove Playlist sponsors echo "Removing playlist sponsors..." $PERL "${AD_PLAYLIST_SPONSORS}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove Upgrade button echo "Removing upgrade button..." $PERL "${AD_UPGRADE_BUTTON}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove Audio ads echo "Removing audio ads..." $PERL "${AD_AUDIO_ADS}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove billboard ads echo "Removing billboard ads..." $PERL "${AD_BILLBOARD}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove premium upsells echo "Removing premium upselling..." $PERL "${AD_UPSELL}" "${XPUI_JS}" # Remove Premium-only features echo "Removing premium-only features..." $PERL "${HIDE_DL_QUALITY}" "${XPUI_JS}" echo "${HIDE_DL_ICON}" >> "${XPUI_CSS}" echo "${HIDE_DL_MENU}" >> "${XPUI_CSS}" echo "${HIDE_VERY_HIGH}" >> "${XPUI_CSS}" # Unlock Spotify Connect echo "Unlocking Spotify Connect..." $PERL "${CONNECT_1}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${CONNECT_2}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${CONNECT_3}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${CONNECT_4}" "${XPUI_JS}" else echo "Premium subscription setup selected..."; fi; fi # Experimental patches if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then if [[ "${EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Adding experimental features..." #$PERL "${ENABLE_BALLOONS}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_BLOCK_USERS}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_CAROUSELS}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_CLEAR_DOWNLOADS}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_DISCOG_SHELF}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_ENHANCE_PLAYLIST}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_ENHANCE_SONGS}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_EQUALIZER}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_IGNORE_REC}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_LIKED_SONGS}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_LYRICS_CHECK}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_LYRICS_MATCH}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_MADE_FOR_YOU}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_NEW_SIDEBAR}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_FLOW}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${ENABLE_PLAYLIST_PERMISSIONS_FLOWS}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_SEARCH_BOX}" "${XPUI_JS}" #$PERL "${ENABLE_SIMILAR_PLAYLIST}" "${XPUI_JS}" fi; fi # Remove logging if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then echo "Removing logging..." $PERL "${LOG_1}" "${XPUI_JS}" $PERL "${LOG_SENTRY}" "${VENDOR_XPUI_JS}"; fi # Delete app cache if [[ "${CACHE_FLAG}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Clearing app cache..." rm -rf "$CACHE_PATH"; fi # Rebuild xpui.spa if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then echo "Rebuilding xpui..." echo -e "\n//# SpotX was here" >> "${XPUI_JS}"; fi # Zip files inside xpui folder if [[ "${XPUI_SKIP}" == "false" ]]; then (cd "${XPUI_DIR}"; zip -qq -r ../xpui.spa .) rm -rf "${XPUI_DIR}"; fi echo -e "SpotX finished patching!\n"