# frozen_string_literal: true require 'socket' require 'async' require 'sequel' require 'openssl' # Set up the database DB = Sequel.sqlite # In-memory database processors = DB[:processors] listen_ip = ENV['LISTEN_IP'] || '' listen_port = ENV['LISTEN_PORT'] || 3080 server = TCPServer.new(listen_ip, listen_port) # This hash will store the connections to the consumers connections = {} def create_socket(ip, port) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # If the IP address is set to "loopback", replace it with the actual loopback IP address ip = '' if ip.downcase == 'loopback' if ip =~ Resolv::IPv4::Regex # If the IP address is an IPv4 address, create an unencrypted socket TCPSocket.new(ip, port) else # If the IP address is a domain name, create an SSL socket ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER tcp_socket = TCPSocket.new(ip, port) ssl_socket = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(tcp_socket, ssl_context) ssl_socket.sync_close = true ssl_socket.connect ssl_socket end end Async do loop do Async::Task.new do client = server.accept begin while (line = client.gets) # Here we handle each line of input from the client handle_input(line, connections) end ensure # This code will be executed when the fiber is finished, regardless of whether an exception was raised client.close Async::Task.current.stop # Stop the current task end end end end def handle_input(line, connections) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # Split the line into command and args command, *args = line.split case command when 'NEW_PROCESSOR' # Handle new processor registration id, domain, port = args # Create a new connection to the processor Async do processor_connection = create_socket(domain, port) # Store the connection in the hash connections[id] = processor_connection # Add the processor to the database processors.insert(consumer_id: id, ip: domain, port: port) end when 'REQUEST' # Handle request from orchestrator consumer_id, request_type, pcap_chunk_id = args # Get the connection for this consumer connection = connections[consumer_id] # Send the request to the consumer connection.puts "REQUEST #{request_type} #{pcap_chunk_id}" when 'UPSTATE' # Handle upstate from consumer consumer_id, state, pcap_chunk_id = args # Do something with the state update... # For now, we'll just print it out puts "Consumer #{consumer_id} is now #{state} for chunk #{pcap_chunk_id}" when 'FINISHED' # Handle finished from consumer consumer_id, pcap_chunk_id = args # Do something with the finished message... # For now, we'll just print it out puts "Consumer #{consumer_id} has finished chunk #{pcap_chunk_id}" when 'CHANGE' # Handle change from orchestrator consumer_id, state, urgency = args # Get the connection for this consumer connection = connections[consumer_id] # Send the change to the consumer connection.puts "CHANGE #{state} #{urgency}" when 'SHUTDOWN' # Handle shutdown from orchestrator consumer_id, urgency = args # Get the connection for this consumer connection = connections[consumer_id] # Send the shutdown to the consumer connection.puts "SHUTDOWN #{urgency}" else puts "Unknown command: #{command}" end end