# frozen_string_literal: true require 'socket' require_relative 'logg_man' # The class for setting up all the necessary system networking stuff for NETRAVE to work with without # interferring with the rest of the system class NetworkingGenie def initialize(logger) @loggman = logger end def find_main_interface # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength @loggman.log_info('Identifying main network interface...') route_info = `routel`.split("\n") default_route = route_info.find { |line| line.include?('default') } if default_route main_interface = default_route.split.last @loggman.log_info("Main network interface identified: #{main_interface}") main_interface else @loggman.log_error('Failed to identify main network interface.') nil end rescue StandardError => e @loggman.log_error("Error occurred while identifying main network interface: #{e.message}") nil end def create_dummy_interface # TODO: Implement method to create a dummy network interface end def setup_traffic_mirroring # TODO: Implement method to set up traffic mirroring from the main interface to the dummy interface end end