Implement SSL, Docker, Async Fibers, and Refactor Code for Improved Functionality

This commit includes several significant changes:

1. Implemented SSL to encrypt network traffic for secure communication over the open internet. This includes the creation of SSL certificates and the configuration of the server to use these certificates.

2. Created a Dockerfile for containerizing the application. This includes setting up the base image, installing necessary dependencies, and defining the command to run the application.

3. Added Go code for handling pcap files. This includes defining the structure of pcap files and implementing functions for reading and writing these files.

4. Implemented Async fibers for handling multiple connections concurrently. This includes creating a new fiber for each connection and managing these fibers to ensure efficient use of resources.

5. Added functionality to detect if the bind address is a loopback address and replace it with the correct loopback address. This allows the server to run on a single machine for testing and development purposes.

6. Refactored the code to improve readability and maintainability. This includes breaking down complex functions into smaller, more manageable functions and improving the naming of variables and functions for clarity.

7. Updated the code to properly send requests to the destination service. This includes creating a new socket for each request and ensuring that the request is sent over the correct connection.

8. Added error handling to ensure that the server can recover gracefully from errors and continue to function correctly.

9. Created code for use in the ProtocolHandler

10. Create various empty dockerfiles for the other containerized services

11. Create various empty code files for the code to run in the other containerized services

12. Added a Gemfile for each Containerized Service for independant dependency management

13. Defined how the server should respond to NPEP queries

14. Roughed in the systems for using a FQDN & SSL secured internet for data transfer, or loopback for local connections

15. Setup system for requiring at least one Orchestrator to be connected manually (The "Primary")

16. Added documentation for the NPEP protocol

17. Rebase the file structure to keep things more organized
This commit is contained in:
VetheonGames 2023-07-30 21:04:30 -06:00
parent c5ff5ce0b2
commit 0ac3147b9b
10 changed files with 154 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
source ''
gem 'async'
gem 'sequel'

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Dockerfile
FROM ruby:3.2.2
# Set environment variables for IP and Port
ENV ORCHESTRATOR_DOMAIN=orchestrator_domain
ENV ORCHESTRATOR_PORT=orchestrator_port
# Set the working directory in the container
WORKDIR /netrave-protohandler
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /netrave-protohandler
COPY . /netrave-protohandler
# Install any needed packages specified in Gemfile
RUN bundle install
# Run server.rb when the container launches
CMD ["ruby", "netrave-protohandler.rb"]

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'socket'
require 'async'
require 'sequel'
require 'openssl'
# Set up the database
DB = Sequel.sqlite # In-memory database
processors = DB[:processors]
listen_ip = ENV['LISTEN_IP'] || ''
listen_port = ENV['LISTEN_PORT'] || 3080
server =, listen_port)
# This hash will store the connections to the consumers
connections = {}
def create_socket(ip, port) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
# If the IP address is set to "loopback", replace it with the actual loopback IP address
ip = '' if ip.downcase == 'loopback'
if ip =~ Resolv::IPv4::Regex
# If the IP address is an IPv4 address, create an unencrypted socket, port)
# If the IP address is a domain name, create an SSL socket
ssl_context =
ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
tcp_socket =, port)
ssl_socket =, ssl_context)
ssl_socket.sync_close = true
Async do
loop do do
client = server.accept
while (line = client.gets)
# Here we handle each line of input from the client
handle_input(line, connections)
# This code will be executed when the fiber is finished, regardless of whether an exception was raised
Async::Task.current.stop # Stop the current task
def handle_input(line, connections) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength
# Split the line into command and args
command, *args = line.split
case command
# Handle new processor registration
id, domain, port = args
# Create a new connection to the processor
Async do
processor_connection = create_socket(domain, port)
# Store the connection in the hash
connections[id] = processor_connection
# Add the processor to the database
processors.insert(consumer_id: id, ip: domain, port: port)
when 'REQUEST'
# Handle request from orchestrator
consumer_id, request_type, pcap_chunk_id = args
# Get the connection for this consumer
connection = connections[consumer_id]
# Send the request to the consumer
connection.puts "REQUEST #{request_type} #{pcap_chunk_id}"
when 'UPSTATE'
# Handle upstate from consumer
consumer_id, state, pcap_chunk_id = args
# Do something with the state update...
# For now, we'll just print it out
puts "Consumer #{consumer_id} is now #{state} for chunk #{pcap_chunk_id}"
# Handle finished from consumer
consumer_id, pcap_chunk_id = args
# Do something with the finished message...
# For now, we'll just print it out
puts "Consumer #{consumer_id} has finished chunk #{pcap_chunk_id}"
when 'CHANGE'
# Handle change from orchestrator
consumer_id, state, urgency = args
# Get the connection for this consumer
connection = connections[consumer_id]
# Send the change to the consumer
connection.puts "CHANGE #{state} #{urgency}"
# Handle shutdown from orchestrator
consumer_id, urgency = args
# Get the connection for this consumer
connection = connections[consumer_id]
# Send the shutdown to the consumer
connection.puts "SHUTDOWN #{urgency}"
puts "Unknown command: #{command}"

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'pcaprub'
require 'socket'
require_relative 'databasemanager'
require_relative 'logg_man'
require_relative 'redis_queue'
# Class used to capture packets and not much else
class PacketCapture
INTERFACE_NAME = 'netrave0'
def initialize(queue, logger)
@loggman = logger
@loggman.log_info("Initializing packet capture for #{INTERFACE_NAME}...")
@capture = Pcap.open_live(INTERFACE_NAME, 65_535, true, 1)
@loggman.log_info('Packet capture initialized successfully!')
@queue = queue
def start_capture_loop # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
@loggman.log_info("Starting packet capture loop for #{@interface}...")
packet_count = 0
@loggman.log_info("Packet capture loop started for #{@interface}...")
@capture.each_packet do |packet|
# Add packet to queue
@loggman.log_info("Packet #{packet_count += 1} added to queue.")
rescue StopIteration
@loggman.log_warn("Packet capture loop stopped for #{@interface}.")
rescue StandardError => e
@loggman.log_fatal("Packet capture loop stopped for #{@interface}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace}", false)
sleep 1
def stop_capture
@loggman.log_warn("Stopping packet capture loop for #{@interface}...")
@stop_flag = true