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Refactoring for Modularity, Code Reuse, and Security Considerations In this commit, we have undertaken a significant refactoring of the codebase to improve modularity, promote code reuse, and consider security aspects. Modularity and Code Reuse: We introduced classes and modules to better organize the code and facilitate code reuse. Specifically, we created a new Utilities module to hold common methods that are used across different parts of the application. This module includes methods such as convert_speed_to_mbps, services_to_hash, and calculate_total_bandwidth. By placing these methods in a module, we can include this module in any class that needs these methods, thereby promoting code reuse and reducing duplication. We also created two new classes, SystemInformationGather and DatabaseManager. The SystemInformationGather class is responsible for gathering system information, such as uplink and downlink speed, and services. The DatabaseManager class handles database operations, including testing the database connection, creating the system information table, and storing system information in the database. By encapsulating these responsibilities within their respective classes, we have made the code more organized and easier to maintain. Database Connection Details: We made a decision to store the database connection details in a config file (config.yml) instead of the database itself. This decision was made for security reasons, as storing these details in the database could expose them to potential security risks. Storing these details in a config file allows us to better control access to these details. Database Encryption: We discussed the possibility of encrypting the database for additional security. While we have not implemented this feature in this commit, we have laid the groundwork for it by discussing potential libraries/gems that could be used for this purpose. This is an area that we will revisit in the future. System Information Gathering: We wrote methods to gather system information, such as uplink and downlink speed, and services, and store this information in the database. This information will be useful for monitoring system performance and for making decisions about resource allocation. This refactoring effort has made the codebase more organized, easier to maintain, and more secure. It also aligns with our project goals and roadmap. However, it's important to note that with any refactoring effort, there may be potential issues or trade-offs. We will need to thoroughly test the refactored code to ensure that it works as expected and that there are no unintended side effects.
2023-06-04 14:41:12 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
require 'dotenv'
Major Refactoring and Feature Addition for Improved User Experience and Code Quality This commit includes several significant changes aimed at improving the functionality, user experience, and code quality of our Ruby project. 1. Decryption Fix: We identified and resolved an issue where the database password was being decrypted multiple times, leading to connection problems. The code was refactored to ensure that decryption only occurs once, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reliability of our database connections. 2. Infinite Loop Resolution: We addressed a critical issue where the program would enter an infinite loop if the .env file was missing or contained incorrect information. The code was updated to handle these situations appropriately, providing meaningful feedback to the user and preventing unnecessary resource consumption. 3. .env File Handling Improvement: We improved the handling of the .env file, ensuring that the program can function correctly even in the absence of this file or if it contains incorrect data. This change enhances the robustness of our application. 4. Curses Alerts Integration: We integrated a new feature to display alerts in the terminal using the Curses library. These alerts can have different severity levels (info, warning, error), which are displayed in different colors (blue, yellow, red). This feature improves the user experience by providing clear and immediate feedback on the program's status. 5. Automatic Alert Dismissal: We implemented a feature where alerts automatically disappear after 5 seconds. This was achieved using Ruby threads, ensuring that the rest of the program is not blocked while the alert is displayed. This change enhances the user experience by preventing the screen from being cluttered with old alerts. 6. Debugging Libraries Exploration: We explored the possibility of using the Tracer and Debug libraries to trace the execution of the program and assist with debugging. While these libraries were not integrated in this commit, they remain a potential resource for future debugging efforts. This commit represents a significant step forward in the development of our Ruby project, improving both the user experience and the quality of our codebase.
2023-06-12 15:31:34 -06:00
require 'debug'
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
require_relative '../lib/utils/system_information_gather'
require_relative '../lib/utils/database_manager'
require_relative '../lib/utils/first_run_init'
require_relative '../lib/utils/utilities'
Major Refactoring and Feature Addition for Improved User Experience and Code Quality This commit includes several significant changes aimed at improving the functionality, user experience, and code quality of our Ruby project. 1. Decryption Fix: We identified and resolved an issue where the database password was being decrypted multiple times, leading to connection problems. The code was refactored to ensure that decryption only occurs once, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reliability of our database connections. 2. Infinite Loop Resolution: We addressed a critical issue where the program would enter an infinite loop if the .env file was missing or contained incorrect information. The code was updated to handle these situations appropriately, providing meaningful feedback to the user and preventing unnecessary resource consumption. 3. .env File Handling Improvement: We improved the handling of the .env file, ensuring that the program can function correctly even in the absence of this file or if it contains incorrect data. This change enhances the robustness of our application. 4. Curses Alerts Integration: We integrated a new feature to display alerts in the terminal using the Curses library. These alerts can have different severity levels (info, warning, error), which are displayed in different colors (blue, yellow, red). This feature improves the user experience by providing clear and immediate feedback on the program's status. 5. Automatic Alert Dismissal: We implemented a feature where alerts automatically disappear after 5 seconds. This was achieved using Ruby threads, ensuring that the rest of the program is not blocked while the alert is displayed. This change enhances the user experience by preventing the screen from being cluttered with old alerts. 6. Debugging Libraries Exploration: We explored the possibility of using the Tracer and Debug libraries to trace the execution of the program and assist with debugging. While these libraries were not integrated in this commit, they remain a potential resource for future debugging efforts. This commit represents a significant step forward in the development of our Ruby project, improving both the user experience and the quality of our codebase.
2023-06-12 15:31:34 -06:00
require_relative '../lib/utils/logg_man'
Implementing Thread-Safe Alert System with Ring Buffer This commit introduces a significant enhancement to our Ruby program by implementing a thread-safe alert system using a ring buffer data structure. New Classes: 1. Alert: This class is responsible for creating and displaying alerts in the Curses Text User Interface (TUI). It takes a message and severity level as arguments and uses these to display color-coded alerts to the user. 2. AlertQueueManager: This class manages the queues for alerts using a ring buffer data structure. It continuously checks the queue and displays alerts as they arrive. It uses a mutex lock to ensure thread safety when accessing the ring buffer. 3. RingBuffer: This class is a custom implementation of a ring buffer, also known as a circular buffer. It's a fixed-size buffer that effectively overwrites old data when it is full. The buffer size has been optimized to 2MB to balance memory usage and performance. Modifications to Existing Methods: The DatabaseManager class has been updated to integrate the new alert system. The methods in this class now create Alert instances and enqueue them in the AlertQueueManager instead of directly displaying alerts to the user. This change ensures that alerts are displayed in a thread-safe manner and allows for better control over the timing and order of alert displays. Thread Safety Measures: Mutex locks and condition variables have been used to synchronize access to the ring buffer and prevent race conditions. This ensures that only one thread can access the buffer at a time, preventing data corruption and ensuring the correct operation of the alert system. Testing: Rigorous testing has been conducted to validate the correct functioning of the new system and to handle edge cases. This includes tests for the correct display of alerts, the correct operation of the ring buffer, and the correct synchronization of threads. Documentation: Detailed comments have been added to the code to explain the purpose and operation of the new classes and methods. This documentation will serve as a valuable reference for future development and maintenance of the codebase. This commit represents a significant improvement in the functionality and robustness of our Ruby program's alert system.
2023-07-05 12:35:20 -06:00
require_relative '../lib/utils/alert_queue_manager'
require_relative '../lib/utils/alert_manager'
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
include Utilities # rubocop:disable Style/MixinUsage
2023-06-12 15:34:37 -06:00
# binding.b(do: 'irb')
@loggman =
Major Refactoring and Feature Addition for Improved User Experience and Code Quality This commit includes several significant changes aimed at improving the functionality, user experience, and code quality of our Ruby project. 1. Decryption Fix: We identified and resolved an issue where the database password was being decrypted multiple times, leading to connection problems. The code was refactored to ensure that decryption only occurs once, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reliability of our database connections. 2. Infinite Loop Resolution: We addressed a critical issue where the program would enter an infinite loop if the .env file was missing or contained incorrect information. The code was updated to handle these situations appropriately, providing meaningful feedback to the user and preventing unnecessary resource consumption. 3. .env File Handling Improvement: We improved the handling of the .env file, ensuring that the program can function correctly even in the absence of this file or if it contains incorrect data. This change enhances the robustness of our application. 4. Curses Alerts Integration: We integrated a new feature to display alerts in the terminal using the Curses library. These alerts can have different severity levels (info, warning, error), which are displayed in different colors (blue, yellow, red). This feature improves the user experience by providing clear and immediate feedback on the program's status. 5. Automatic Alert Dismissal: We implemented a feature where alerts automatically disappear after 5 seconds. This was achieved using Ruby threads, ensuring that the rest of the program is not blocked while the alert is displayed. This change enhances the user experience by preventing the screen from being cluttered with old alerts. 6. Debugging Libraries Exploration: We explored the possibility of using the Tracer and Debug libraries to trace the execution of the program and assist with debugging. While these libraries were not integrated in this commit, they remain a potential resource for future debugging efforts. This commit represents a significant step forward in the development of our Ruby project, improving both the user experience and the quality of our codebase.
2023-06-12 15:31:34 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Create .env file if it doesn't exist'.env', 'w') {} unless File.exist?('.env')
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Load environment variables from .env file
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Initialize AlertQueueManager, RingBuffer, and AlertManager
@alert_queue_manager =
# Initialize DatabaseManager
db_manager =, @alert_queue_manager)
# Get database details from environment variables
db_details = {
username: ENV['DB_USERNAME'],
password: ENV['DB_PASSWORD'],
database: ENV['DB_DATABASE']
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Decrypt password
dec_pass = decrypt_string_chacha20(db_details[:password], db_details[:key])
Detailed Refactoring of Database Interaction 1. **Refactoring of Database Interaction Methods** - Refactored the `store_services` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to handle an array of services instead of a hash. This change was made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - The `store_services` method now iterates over an array of services and inserts each service into the database with a default status of true. This design choice was made to ensure that all services are active by default. 2. **Modification of Database Schema** - Modified the `create_services_table` method in the `DatabaseManager` class to create a table with only two columns: `id` and `services`. This change was made to align the database schema with the new data structure used in the `store_services` method. - The `status` column was removed from the `services` table because the status of all services is now assumed to be true by default. 3. **Error Handling and Debugging** - Encountered a `Sequel::DatabaseError` with the message "Operand should contain 1 column(s)" during the execution of the `store_services` method. This error was caused by an attempt to insert a hash into a single database column. - The error was resolved by refactoring the `store_services` method to handle an array of services instead of a hash. 4. **Unorthodox Design Choices** - The decision to use an array of services instead of a hash and to assume that the status of all services is true by default may seem unorthodox. However, these design choices were made to simplify the interaction with the database and to avoid unnecessary complexity in the data structure. - These design choices also helped to resolve the `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method. This commit represents a significant refactoring of the database interaction methods in the NETRAVE project. The changes made in this commit have simplified the interaction with the database and have resolved a `Sequel::DatabaseError` that was encountered during the execution of the `store_services` method.
2023-06-09 19:39:54 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# If any of the necessary details are missing, run the first run setup
if db_details.values.any?(&:nil?)
@loggman.log_warn('Missing or incomplete configuration. Running first run setup.')
first_run_init =, @alert_queue_manager, db_manager)
# Reload environment variables after first run setup
db_details = {
username: ENV['DB_USERNAME'],
password: ENV['DB_PASSWORD'],
database: ENV['DB_DATABASE']
# Decrypt password again after potentially updating config
dec_pass = decrypt_string_chacha20(db_details[:password], db_details[:key])
Refactoring for Modularity, Code Reuse, and Security Considerations In this commit, we have undertaken a significant refactoring of the codebase to improve modularity, promote code reuse, and consider security aspects. Modularity and Code Reuse: We introduced classes and modules to better organize the code and facilitate code reuse. Specifically, we created a new Utilities module to hold common methods that are used across different parts of the application. This module includes methods such as convert_speed_to_mbps, services_to_hash, and calculate_total_bandwidth. By placing these methods in a module, we can include this module in any class that needs these methods, thereby promoting code reuse and reducing duplication. We also created two new classes, SystemInformationGather and DatabaseManager. The SystemInformationGather class is responsible for gathering system information, such as uplink and downlink speed, and services. The DatabaseManager class handles database operations, including testing the database connection, creating the system information table, and storing system information in the database. By encapsulating these responsibilities within their respective classes, we have made the code more organized and easier to maintain. Database Connection Details: We made a decision to store the database connection details in a config file (config.yml) instead of the database itself. This decision was made for security reasons, as storing these details in the database could expose them to potential security risks. Storing these details in a config file allows us to better control access to these details. Database Encryption: We discussed the possibility of encrypting the database for additional security. While we have not implemented this feature in this commit, we have laid the groundwork for it by discussing potential libraries/gems that could be used for this purpose. This is an area that we will revisit in the future. System Information Gathering: We wrote methods to gather system information, such as uplink and downlink speed, and services, and store this information in the database. This information will be useful for monitoring system performance and for making decisions about resource allocation. This refactoring effort has made the codebase more organized, easier to maintain, and more secure. It also aligns with our project goals and roadmap. However, it's important to note that with any refactoring effort, there may be potential issues or trade-offs. We will need to thoroughly test the refactored code to ensure that it works as expected and that there are no unintended side effects.
2023-06-04 14:41:12 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Test connection
unless db_manager.test_db_connection(db_details[:username], dec_pass, db_details[:database])
@loggman.log_warn('Failed to connect to the database with existing configuration. Please re-enter your details.')
first_run_init =, @alert_queue_manager, db_manager)
# Reload environment variables after potentially updating config
db_details = {
username: ENV['DB_USERNAME'],
password: ENV['DB_PASSWORD'],
database: ENV['DB_DATABASE']
# Decrypt password again after potentially updating config
dec_pass = decrypt_string_chacha20(db_details[:password], db_details[:key])
Implementing Thread-Safe Alert System with Ring Buffer This commit introduces a significant enhancement to our Ruby program by implementing a thread-safe alert system using a ring buffer data structure. New Classes: 1. Alert: This class is responsible for creating and displaying alerts in the Curses Text User Interface (TUI). It takes a message and severity level as arguments and uses these to display color-coded alerts to the user. 2. AlertQueueManager: This class manages the queues for alerts using a ring buffer data structure. It continuously checks the queue and displays alerts as they arrive. It uses a mutex lock to ensure thread safety when accessing the ring buffer. 3. RingBuffer: This class is a custom implementation of a ring buffer, also known as a circular buffer. It's a fixed-size buffer that effectively overwrites old data when it is full. The buffer size has been optimized to 2MB to balance memory usage and performance. Modifications to Existing Methods: The DatabaseManager class has been updated to integrate the new alert system. The methods in this class now create Alert instances and enqueue them in the AlertQueueManager instead of directly displaying alerts to the user. This change ensures that alerts are displayed in a thread-safe manner and allows for better control over the timing and order of alert displays. Thread Safety Measures: Mutex locks and condition variables have been used to synchronize access to the ring buffer and prevent race conditions. This ensures that only one thread can access the buffer at a time, preventing data corruption and ensuring the correct operation of the alert system. Testing: Rigorous testing has been conducted to validate the correct functioning of the new system and to handle edge cases. This includes tests for the correct display of alerts, the correct operation of the ring buffer, and the correct synchronization of threads. Documentation: Detailed comments have been added to the code to explain the purpose and operation of the new classes and methods. This documentation will serve as a valuable reference for future development and maintenance of the codebase. This commit represents a significant improvement in the functionality and robustness of our Ruby program's alert system.
2023-07-05 12:35:20 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# Test connection again after potentially updating config
if db_manager.test_db_connection(db_details[:username], dec_pass, db_details[:database])
@loggman.log_info('Successfully connected to the database.')
@loggman.log_error('Failed to connect to the database. Please check your configuration.')
exit 1
Implementing Thread-Safe Alert System with Ring Buffer This commit introduces a significant enhancement to our Ruby program by implementing a thread-safe alert system using a ring buffer data structure. New Classes: 1. Alert: This class is responsible for creating and displaying alerts in the Curses Text User Interface (TUI). It takes a message and severity level as arguments and uses these to display color-coded alerts to the user. 2. AlertQueueManager: This class manages the queues for alerts using a ring buffer data structure. It continuously checks the queue and displays alerts as they arrive. It uses a mutex lock to ensure thread safety when accessing the ring buffer. 3. RingBuffer: This class is a custom implementation of a ring buffer, also known as a circular buffer. It's a fixed-size buffer that effectively overwrites old data when it is full. The buffer size has been optimized to 2MB to balance memory usage and performance. Modifications to Existing Methods: The DatabaseManager class has been updated to integrate the new alert system. The methods in this class now create Alert instances and enqueue them in the AlertQueueManager instead of directly displaying alerts to the user. This change ensures that alerts are displayed in a thread-safe manner and allows for better control over the timing and order of alert displays. Thread Safety Measures: Mutex locks and condition variables have been used to synchronize access to the ring buffer and prevent race conditions. This ensures that only one thread can access the buffer at a time, preventing data corruption and ensuring the correct operation of the alert system. Testing: Rigorous testing has been conducted to validate the correct functioning of the new system and to handle edge cases. This includes tests for the correct display of alerts, the correct operation of the ring buffer, and the correct synchronization of threads. Documentation: Detailed comments have been added to the code to explain the purpose and operation of the new classes and methods. This documentation will serve as a valuable reference for future development and maintenance of the codebase. This commit represents a significant improvement in the functionality and robustness of our Ruby program's alert system.
2023-07-05 12:35:20 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
@loggman.log_warn('Program successfully ran with no errors')
Implementing Thread-Safe Alert System with Ring Buffer This commit introduces a significant enhancement to our Ruby program by implementing a thread-safe alert system using a ring buffer data structure. New Classes: 1. Alert: This class is responsible for creating and displaying alerts in the Curses Text User Interface (TUI). It takes a message and severity level as arguments and uses these to display color-coded alerts to the user. 2. AlertQueueManager: This class manages the queues for alerts using a ring buffer data structure. It continuously checks the queue and displays alerts as they arrive. It uses a mutex lock to ensure thread safety when accessing the ring buffer. 3. RingBuffer: This class is a custom implementation of a ring buffer, also known as a circular buffer. It's a fixed-size buffer that effectively overwrites old data when it is full. The buffer size has been optimized to 2MB to balance memory usage and performance. Modifications to Existing Methods: The DatabaseManager class has been updated to integrate the new alert system. The methods in this class now create Alert instances and enqueue them in the AlertQueueManager instead of directly displaying alerts to the user. This change ensures that alerts are displayed in a thread-safe manner and allows for better control over the timing and order of alert displays. Thread Safety Measures: Mutex locks and condition variables have been used to synchronize access to the ring buffer and prevent race conditions. This ensures that only one thread can access the buffer at a time, preventing data corruption and ensuring the correct operation of the alert system. Testing: Rigorous testing has been conducted to validate the correct functioning of the new system and to handle edge cases. This includes tests for the correct display of alerts, the correct operation of the ring buffer, and the correct synchronization of threads. Documentation: Detailed comments have been added to the code to explain the purpose and operation of the new classes and methods. This documentation will serve as a valuable reference for future development and maintenance of the codebase. This commit represents a significant improvement in the functionality and robustness of our Ruby program's alert system.
2023-07-05 12:35:20 -06:00
Enhancements to Command Execution and Logging Mechanisms This commit introduces several significant enhancements to the way commands are executed and logged in the application. The changes are primarily focused on improving the robustness, reliability, and transparency of the command execution process, as well as enhancing the quality and usefulness of the log output. 1. Command Execution Enhancements: The use_sudo method has been refactored to handle commands that do not return any output. Previously, the method was designed to capture and return the output of the command being executed. However, some commands (such as modprobe) do not return any output, which caused issues with the previous implementation. The method now checks the exit status of the command to determine whether it was successful or not, and returns a success or failure message accordingly. This change improves the robustness of the command execution process and ensures that it can handle a wider range of commands. 2. Error Handling Improvements: The use_sudo method now includes more comprehensive error handling. If a command fails to execute within a specified timeout period, an error message is logged and the method returns a failure message. Additionally, if a command fails to execute for any other reason, the method logs the error and returns a failure message with the command's exit status. These changes make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues with command execution. 3. Logging Enhancements: The logging mechanism has been enhanced to provide more detailed and useful information. The use_sudo method now logs the command being executed and its outcome (success or failure). If a command fails, the method logs the command's exit status. These changes improve the transparency of the command execution process and make it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. 4. Code Refactoring: Several methods have been refactored for improved readability and maintainability. The use_sudo method has been refactored to reduce its complexity and improve its readability. The first_run_setup method has been refactored to ensure that the main interface name and the dummy interface name are properly passed to the setup_traffic_mirroring method. 5. Bug Fixes: A bug in the create_dummy_interface method that caused it to return an array of Alert objects instead of the dummy interface name has been fixed. The method now correctly returns the dummy interface name. These changes represent a significant improvement to the command execution and logging mechanisms in the application, and lay the groundwork for further enhancements in the future.
2023-07-07 11:25:08 -06:00
# TODO: Add the rest of application logic here
# End of the program
# wait for the alert_queue_manager to block before we exit.
# Shush Rubocop. I know I shouldn't rescue an exception. I am just using it to log exceptions so the
# program doesn't crash silently
rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException
# Log the exception
@loggman.log_error("An unhandled exception has occurred: #{e.class}: #{e.message}")
# Re-raise the original exception